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“Is your website useful to users?” is the most important question for businesses in the ever-changing internet environment. Everyday, users are making their purchase decisions based on the online representation of businesses. Does your website show users that you are worth their time and money?
In 2014, internet use on mobile devices surpassed desktop users and has not stopped increasing since. To make sure customers are finding and can interact correctly with your business, you will need a mobile version of your site. Having a mobile site is also becoming a ranking factor on Google’s search engine. The internet giant states that “Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.” Don’t get left behind in search or user interaction, call us today about your mobile website!
Are you looking to deliver information to users in one or two pages? Our express templates give users a quick, succinct overview of your business with a contact page. Gone are the days where users spend an hour on your site, build a page that keeps pace with today’s high-speed navigation.
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