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Social media marketing, or SMM, has become big business in recent years. With so many people on social media these days, it’s no wonder that social media marketing has exploded. Because social media is at the forefront of so much we do these days, it is nearly impossible not to have contact with a Facebook […]
Everywhere you go, you see it- people walking around with their smartphones in front of their faces. We now have the ability to carry a tiny computer in our pockets to access information throughout the day. It has never been easier to have access to the internet no matter where you are. Because of this, […]
Duplicate search engine listings for your company may sound like a good thing at first- after all, if your business is listed more than once, that increases your web traffic, right? Actually, not so much. Having your business listed more than once, in either a single account or multiple accounts, can seriously hurt your website’s […]
When optimizing your company’s website for search engine results, you may be wondering if backlinks help or harm your ranking potential. Backlinks, or a link to your site from another site, are almost always a good thing when it comes to getting your company’s website to the forefront of the search engine results, as long […]
As social media continues to prevail as the preferred form of advertising for companies of all sizes, many business owners find themselves wondering if it is still beneficial, or even necessary, to use email marketing as well. But even though social marketing and local search engine optimization has become the mainstream way to reach an […]
If your company aims to increase their sales volume, one of the most critical things you can do is increase your conversion rate on your website. Website conversion refers to the number of visitors to your company’s website who actually subscribe to your service, sign up for your newsletter or buy your product. When we […]
When it comes to marketing your local business online, you are faced with unique challenges to your geographically-specific campaign that don’t really factor in on a national level. Local SEO is its own animal for sure, with rapidly-changing local search results. This constant state of flux accounts for ever-changing local SEO ranking factors that can […]
Search engine marketing, also known as SEM, is a type of Internet Marketing that uses optimization and advertising to increase the visibility of websites in search engine results. Hiring a professional SEM agency can help get your brand noticed and put your business on the map. But how do you know what to look for […]
In today’s social media-fueled society, it is no surprise to see that big and small businesses are getting in on the act and boosting their social media presence to make themselves more accessible to their consumer base. Social media marketing, or SMM, gives salespeople the opportunity to establish relationships with clients and prospects, and also […]
With the advent of sites like Yelp, it is now easier than ever for consumers to make their voices heard and leave reviews about businesses, good, bad or otherwise. From corporate giants like Amazon to small, mom-and-pop establishments in your neighborhood, your online reputation still matters a great deal.
Quick- think of your favorite website that you use regularly. Is it fast? Attractive? User-friendly? Easy to access the information you need? User experience, or UX, is the umbrella term for how a consumer feels about a website, and it can make all the difference for your business’s level of success.
If you are the owner of a business operating in multiple geographic locations, it can be difficult to optimize your website to cater to varying demographics in each area. This can be a particularly daunting task if you are not using the proper techniques to direct web traffic to your business’s site regardless of the […]
When it comes to marketing your business online, it can be difficult to decide which digital marketing strategy is best for promoting your company. Two of the most common digital marketing strategies, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO), each have their unique advantages and drawbacks, and while each strategy might work better for […]
Social Media Marketing is a form of internet marketing that utilizes social media channels to achieve various goals in brand awareness, marketing communication and building client relationships. Many small businesses utilize social media to build a community with their current clients and prospective clients, stay engaged with their followers and the information they find […]
Have you ever visited a website on your smartphone and couldn’t see the text because it was too small? Or worse yet, you could see the text but any time you tried to click on a button, you were navigated to the wrong page because the buttons were too close together? It’s frustrating! Luckily, I […]
You have heard of Google Places, Yahoo Local, Bing Places and Yelp.com and you know that these are places where people can find your business online, and even leave reviews about your products and services. But, did you know how your small business is listed on these sites can affect how your website ranks in […]
Small business owners understand that if your website reaches the top of search engine results pages (SERPS) for searches related to your business, you will have more traffic on your website. They also know that the more traffic you have on your site, the more likely you will see contact forms coming through, which means […]
As a business owner, you’ve probably been told that SEO is essential. But why? What can search engine optimization really do for your business? Are rankings really that important to the success of your business? Many businesses are reluctant to hire an SEO professional because they simply don’t understand the value of the services provided. […]
So you want to change your business phone number. Or, better yet, you’re moving to a different location, because, well, that’s what businesses do sometimes. But, you forgot to tell your SEO/Internet Marketing manager. Look, we get it. Businesses grow, change, and update all the time. We’re no strangers to upgrades, believe us. In fact, […]
Is it better to have multiple websites, or just one? In terms of SEO, you’re better off with just one website. While some SEOs may argue otherwise, having multiple websites will ultimately do more harm than good. If you’re looking to build a professional site for your business, Local Search Titan offers website design geared […]
Search engine optimization has grown into a necessity for businesses. When trying to find the right company to perform SEO on your site, it can be a major challenge. With SEO, going the cheap route can lead to:
As a business owner, you’ve heard time and time again that you need to establish a social media presence. Over the last decade, businesses have realized the sheer power of social media and have implemented social media marketing into their marketing mix.
Today’s modernized small-medium business (SMB) companies are aware of the impact that effective or ineffective search engine optimization (SEO) can have on websites and listings. If your SMB is either starting the discussion of creating an SEO strategy or seeking avenues to improve your current SEO plan, here are 7 SEO tools you need for […]
Understanding and implementing local search engine optimization (SEO) strategies are a collection of undeniably valuable tools for those businesses that rely on customers to visit their place of business, as well as for marketing companies that offer SEO services. In order for a customer to find a business online, it must have a discoverable presence, […]
Harnessing the world of search engine optimization (SEO) for the benefit of your small-medium business (SMB) can be a baffling, lengthy experiment in discovering what works and what negatively affects your website’s and webpages’ rankings, which can result in committing SMB SEO mistakes. If your business’ current SEO plan seems to be failing no matter […]
Search engines, like Google, aim to create a useful directory of the websites and businesses operating a valuable online presence and provide the user with handy resources that can expertly answer any question asked. The key word in the previous description is, “valuable.” To determine how to rank these endless web pages and listings, the […]
Now is a great time to own a small business. Thanks to e-commerce, you can now reach more prospective clients than ever before, which can be a real game-changer for your company’s bottom line. While it’s no secret that having a great website is the key to generating and retaining client business, it can be […]
As more and more consumers prefer to conduct their retail, banking and other essential business online, it is now more important than ever to keep up with the times in terms of web design, mobile-friendly optimization and overall user experience. Now that choices abound for online retailers and services, discriminating consumers are likely to choose […]
As a business owner, you want your company’s website to get noticed. Having a website that shows up at the top of a search results page can get you the organic traffic you need to boost your company’s web presence and gain views from prospective clients. Having a website full of interesting, frequently-updated content with […]
Finding content for your website that will get your business to the top of the search results page is essential to your marketing strategy. To get your product or service noticed by consumers in your target audience, it is crucial to have engaging, interesting original content that is updated regularly on your website. While content […]
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